General Care Services

Alternative Therapy

We are careful to provide a range of alternative therapy options to our care recipients for both their social and physical well-being. These encourage care recipient’s interaction and socialisation, as well as providing many health benefits, both physical and mental.

Some of our Alternative Therapies are:

  • Art Therapy
  • Dance Therapy
  • Hand Therapy
  • Music Therapy
  • Reflexology
  • Delta Dogs Program 

Social Worker

We also engage social workers within our Transition Care Program to complete assessments, planning, implementation and evaluation of care recipient’s social needs and financial status in relation to their goals. This way we can ensure our care recipients are supported and assisted in legal matters, and can answer any questions they may have on matters such as power of attorney, guardianship and administration orders. They can also liaise with external agencies to ensure a care recipient’s ongoing care is provided post discharge from our Transition Care Program services. 


We have a relationship with a trusted podiatrist who attends to our care recipients needs on a regular and scheduled plan and is made available more often if required within a care recipients care plan.

Occupational Therapy

Our Occupational Therapists develop programs which are based on the individual assessments and are innovative and responsive to our care recipients social and therapy needs. They create a monthly activity plan which is available to care recipients and relatives and any input from care recipients/their next of kin is welcomed. Our Therapists also ensure that each care recipient has the equipment they require to encourage their independence. Translation cards and translators are used for care recipients who need them.

Community involvement is vital for our care recipients, so we facilitate regular contact between our OTA’s/ OT’s and community groups to engage volunteer visitors who come in to interact regularly with our residents. School children attend to perform concerts, play games and have chat sessions. View our Community Calendar or see Alternative Therapies below for more details of the variety of activities available to care recipients


Our Registered Physiotherapist heads our team of experienced Physiotherapy assistants, who work with our care recipients to keep them as mobile as possible and help them maintain their independence. We employ Pain Management, Mobility, Balance and Falls prevention strategies within our individual care recipients therapy programs along with providing group classes for social and health benefits.

Our group classes are:

  • Yoga
  • Relaxation classes
  • Fit for Life classes, (exercise groups for strengthening)
  • Balancing class for falls prevention

Nursing Staff

Our clinical services are delivered by registered nurses, supported by enrolled nurses and carers, with service delivery led by Clinical Managers.